KSTP 2023 Fall Conference > Conferences

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KSTP 2023 Fall Conference

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On November 9-10, 2023, MFRC attended Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity (KSTP) fall conference which was held in Jeju island, South Korea. The conference had a wide variety of presentations, poster sessions and workshops in the field of metal forming and plasticity. MFRC researchers, including Prof. Mansoo Joun, CEO of MFRC, and metal forming CAE lab at Gyeongsang National University (GNU) presented our recent researches using AFDEX at the event.

The details are as follows:


▶Finite Element Analysis of Temperature Change owing to the Friction During Extrusion

▶Friction in Forging of a Low Strain Hardening Material 

▶Deformation of a Ejector Pin during Automatic Multistage Cold Forging of an Automobile Wheel Nut

Finite Element Analysis of Aluminum Busbars for Energy Storage System 

▶Finite Element Analysis of Plate Forging Process of the Outer Plate Parts for Suspension System 

▶Simulation of the Progressive Process LID Parts for an EV Battery's Prismatic Can 

▶Assembled Die Structural Analysis considering the Shrink Fit during Automatic Multi-stage Cold Forging of a Nut-pipe 

▶Finite Element Analysis of a Hot Roll Forging Process of Manufacturing an Electric Vehicle's Aluminum Control Arm 




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