Altair APA Webinar on 2018.06.05 - 23:00 > Notice

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Altair APA Webinar on 2018.06.05 - 23:00

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작성일posted on


Dear users,


A webinar titled "Visualization, quantification of metal flow lines and its application to process design optimization using AFDEX" will be held on 2018.06.05 - 23:00. 


This activity is a part of the webinars that we conduct through Altair APA every year.

So far there have been significant number of registrations from a diverse group of forging companies around the globe. Don't miss out to know the latest advancements on metal forming simulation technology which will be discussed in this webinar.


Please send an email to [email protected] to attend the webinar. Hope to see you there! 



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