MFRC at AEPA 2018, Jeju Island > Notice

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MFRC at AEPA 2018, Jeju Island

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MFRC at AEPA 2018, Jeju Island, Republic of Korea

The 14th Asia - Pacific Symposium on Engineering Plasticity and its applications (AEPA 2018) is scheduled to happen on December 2-7, 2018 at KAL Hotel Seogwipo, Jeju Island. The organizers have categorized the conference topics into three main areas namely 


  1. Forming processes
  2. Mechanics and modelling
  3. Optimization and process control


MFRC will be participating in this event as a silver sponsor in addition to researchers of AFDEX team presenting at the symposium.


The detailed schedule of AEPA 2018 can be found in the link below. 





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