Simulation of a spiral bevel gear forging process > Conventional forging

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Closed die forging without flash

Simulation of a spiral bevel gear forging process

Cold Forging AFDEX3D

페이지 정보

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   A spiral bevel gear forging process was simulated using the intelligent remeshing function. The predictions were shown with emphasis on teeth formation. It can be seen that all teeth were formed with high accuracy even though minimized number of tetrahedral elements was used. Note that too small tetrahedral elements cause frequent remeshings which deteriorate solution accuracy, implying that the optimized mesh system can be defined as the mesh system that has a minimized number of elements for accurate description of characteristic lines and surfaces of the material.

(52818) 경상남도 진주시 동부로 169번길 12 윙스타워 A동 1208호

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