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Material identification

Metallurgical identification of material

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   Fig. (a) shows predictions of grain size with known material properties and Fig. (b) shows predictions of grain size with material properties calculated by a new material identification scheme, which is based on AFDEX and HyperStudy. The new scheme needs experimental data as input to identify the material. In this study, the experimental input was replaced by the predictions obtained using the known material properties. As can be seen in these two figures, they are very close to each other, implying that the scheme of material identification for predicting microstructural evolution is powerful and economical. 



(a) With known material data
(b) With identified material data
Fig. Comparison of predicted grain sizes


(52818) 경상남도 진주시 동부로 169번길 12 윙스타워 A동 1208호

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