Three typical materials, i.e., SCM435, ESW95 and ESW105 were studied to reveal their flow stress information which is one of material properties for plastic deformation simulation. It is interesting to note that SCM435 is a typical strain hardening material while ESW95 and ESW105, Energy Saver Wires, are of high-strength with negligible strain hardening capability. It is also noted that flow stress at the strain of 1.5 was predicted for SCM435.
Three typical materials, i.e., SCM435, ESW95 and ESW105 were studied to reveal their flow stress information which is one of material properties for plastic deformation simulation. It is interesting to note that SCM435 is a typical strain hardening material while ESW95 and ESW105, Energy Saver Wires, are of high-strength with negligible strain hardening capability. It is also noted that flow stress at the strain of 1.5 was predicted for SCM435.